Be a South African citizen.
Be contractually capable.
Be married or habitually cohabit with a partner.
Be single and have financial dependants.
Earn less than R3500.01 per month per household.
Be a first time government subsidy recipient.
Be a first time home owner.
Single Military Veterans without financial dependant.
Single aged persons without financial dependant.
Applicant and spouse’s Identity Documents
Birth certificates of children
Proof of income if working. (Salary Slip)
KZN Department of Human Settlements
Local Municipality
Waiting lists are locally driven initiative and in each municipality the waiting period differs. Housing development normally takes place within a planned and prioritised process where the local conditions dictate what area should receive assistance first. You must also remember that housing development takes time normally at least two years before a house in a new area is ready for occupation. We are trying our best to speed up the delivery rate.
To apply you must contact or visit the Department of Human Settlements Helpdesk and your Banking institution
Earn between R3 501 to R22 000.
Be a South African citizen with a valid Identity Document, or be a permanent resident with a permanent residence permit.
Not have previously derived benefits from the housing subsidy scheme or any other state funded or assisted housing subsidy scheme which conferred benefits of ownership, leasehold or deed of grant.
Not have qualified for a government housing subsidy before.
Not have owned a fixed residential property before.
Be competent to contract - over 18 years or legally married or legally divorced and of sound mind.
Be married or cohabiting. Where the application is made for a subsidy on the basis of a legal marriage or cohabitation arrangement, it is required that the property must be registered in the name of both spouses in the Deeds Office.
Be single but with financial dependents.
031 336 5444
as well as on the website of the local municipality where sites are being advertised.
Should qualify to obtain a home loan from a financial institution;
Must have a gross monthly house income ranging from R3 501 to R40 000;
Must commit to enter into an agreement with the appointed Developer;
Must be lawfully resident in South Africa;
Must be legally competent to contract (i.e. 18 years of age or older, legally married or legally divorced and of sound mind);
Nor your spouse must have previously derived benefits from the housing subsidy scheme, or any other state funded or assisted housing subsidy programme;
Must be married in terms of the Civil Law or in terms of a Customary Marriage or habitually cohabits with any other person;
Must have proven financial dependents;
Must prove that you will be able to sustain ownership; and
Must be genuinely in need of housing for residential purposes.
You must be a South African citizen;
Gross household earning must be between R1 500 and R15 000 per month;
You must not own or have owned property before;
You must not have received government subsidy before; and
You must be 21 years of age or older, be married, cohabiting, or have dependents. Providing high quality and secure homes at affordable rentals would be impossible without Government financial assistance in the form of the Social Housing Subsidy, Capital Restructuring Grant and loan from the Human Settlements Development Bank
ID Copies of the Original Owner and Spouse
Marriage Certificate / Decree of Divorce
ID copies of children / Birth Certificates
Sisters & Brothers ID Copies (Only if the deceased had no children)
Affidavit confirming whether the owner had children or not
Certified copies of: Death Certificates of the Original Owner; Spouse and Children
Email: titledeeds
031 319 3800
Complaint Form.
Complaint may be lodged as follows-
By mail to the offices of the Tribunal At the relevant Information Office within the jurisdiction of the local authority in which the dwelling is situated At the offices of the Tribunal A complaint is deemed to be lodged on the date upon which the Tribunal receives the complaint.
031 372 1800 / 04 / 06
Anti-Corruption Hotline
0800 701 701
Today Saturday the 17th of February 2024 saw another critical milestone in the ongoing intensified campaign to eradicate mudhouses in the hinterland of KwaZulu-Natal. The Minister of Human Settlements, Mmamoloko Kubayi was in the Province to officiate in the handover of government subsidized homes to two qualifying beneficiaries in Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality in the Harry Gwala District. The handing over of houses was an important step in the Government’s commitment to provide decent and affordable housing to disadvantaged citizens. The Harry Gwala District Development Model Co-National Champion, and Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Dr. Nobuhle Nkabane, together with the Human Settlements and Public Works, MEC Sipho "KK" Nkosi also joined Minister Kubayi during the handover of the Gudlucingo Rural Housing Project whose eventual yield will be 1500 units upon the completion of the remaining 300 units in Phase-2. The Ministerial delegation, included the District Mayor, Cllr. Zamo Nxumalo alongside uBuhlebezwe Local Municipality Mayor Councillor EB Ngubo and traditional authorities who were part of the programme launch the first phase of 300 units of the Amanyuswa Rural Housing Project. The development eill benefit the community of Ward 5 and 7. The handover of newly built government-subsidized homes preceded a community engagement and certification/graduation ceremony of youth trained in Community House Building, as part of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) – one ofGovernment’s intensive employment initiatives. The EPWP Skills Development Programme Graduation Ceremony comprised of 20 young women, who received training in construction and entrepreneurial skills, through the Manzamnyama and Ofafa Development Skills Development Programme. The trainees, who successfully completed the programme and deemed as multiskilled practitioners, have also been provided with equipment to enable them to gain access to the construction industry.